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Wenn Sie Fragen haben, schicken Sie uns bitte eine E-Mail an info@agenturfirstcontact.de, oder rufen Sie uns an: 0391 / 63109809

Große Diesdorfer Str. 23-24
39108 Magdeburg

Tel.: 0391- 63109809
Fax: 0391 - 4009786
Mobil: 0163 - 8108945
eMail: info@agenturfirstcontact.de

Steuernummer: 102/105/21807
UST ID : DE355952917
Amtsgericht Stendal HRB 31882
Geschäftsführer: Holger Salmen

Inhaltlich verantw. gemäß §6 MDStV
Holger Salmen




Stockfoto-ID: 69378337 / wedding couple hugging, the bride holding a bouquet of flowers in her hand, the groom embracing her / Kzenon /
Stockfoto-ID: 131832638 / bridal couple / Nina Buday / www.shutterstock.de
Stockfoto-ID: 93960172 / Portrait of children bride and groom with balloons sitting in park / Pressmaster / www.shutterstock.de
Stockfoto-ID: 64324273 / Wedding pigeons in hands of the groom and the bride / AlexussK / www.shutterstock.de
Stockfoto-ID: 46233430 / Kissing wedding couple in spring nature close-up portrait / Alena Ozerova / www.shutterstock.de
Stockfoto-ID: 131832638 / bridal couple / Nina Buday / www.shutterstock.de
Stockfoto-ID: 93960172 / Portrait of children bride and groom with balloons sitting in park / Pressmaster / www.shutterstock.de
Stockfoto-ID: 64324273 / Wedding pigeons in hands of the groom and the bride / AlexussK / www.shutterstock.de
Stockfoto-ID: 46233430 / Kissing wedding couple in spring nature close-up portrait / Alena Ozerova / www.shutterstock.de



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Daniel Klebe
Tel: 0391 / 63 10 98 62
Mobil: 0177 / 46 65 344
Mail: klebe@add-one.de

Grosse Diesdorfer Strasse 23/24
39108 Magdeburg

Matthias Basan
Mobil: 0171 / 75 95 789
Mail: basan@pixel-department.com

Grosse Diesdorfer Strasse 23/24
39108 Magdeburg
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